I still remember how you used to say 'will you be my girl?' at the school's laboratory. It was at May, 6th 2010, 10 months ago... I still even remember how long we have fought till finally we've been together again, and rebuild our dreams that once had foundered.
There were a lot of shits, fights, and love happened since we decided to rebuild everything from the scratch. But those things will never change anything, at least for me. No matter how aften we fight and hurting each other, my love for you will never change and will never stop.
I don't even know what do you really think about me, or what do you feel about me, or how big is your love for me, because I can't even read your mind. But, I always do believe you. We trust&love each other, and that's more than enough for me.
Today, March, 6th 2011, is our 10th month anniversary.. I wish nothing but us. Yeah, just for us. We've been through the days together on last 10 months, and I hope it'll become 1 year, 2 years, 5 years, 7 years and forever hahaha hopefully :)
I need you because I love you, bii... I always do :)
With love,
Rizka Iswandani Citraningtyas.
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