Kamis, 18 Juli 2013


I just hate my self sometimes.
I hate myself for having so much worries and letting my self controlled by my own fears.
I hate myself for being too weak most of times.
I hate myself for being too hypocrite about everything around me.
I hate myself for not being able to easily express what I really feel, or who I am, or what I supposed to do.
I hate myself for being too stubborn, too selfish.
I just hate myself and all of dissemblance that is inside me.

Minggu, 30 Juni 2013

If I were

Hiii! Just found something on tumblr and it seems quite interesting to play on. Here we go!

If I were....
If I were a month I would be:  December (my month, actually)
If I were a day of the week I would be:  Saturday (I'm sure everyone would love me)
If I were a time of the day I would be:  Sunrise (I bring new hopes)
If I were a planet I would be:  Earth (literally. I'll be the only place anyone could build a life)
If I were a sea animal I would be:  Nemo (I'm cute, at least, everyone would love to see me)
If I were a direction I would be:  East (don't ask me)
If I were a piece of furniture I would be:  a bookshelves (again)
If I were a liquid I would be:  Coffee (I help people to work, even I often the causes of the presence of love)
If I were a stone I would be:  Blue coral
If I were a tree I would be:  Oak (it's just beautiful)
If I were a bird I would be:  Sparrow
If I were a tool I would be:  A Scissor
If I were a flower/plant I would be:  Tulips
If I were a kind of weather I would be:  sunshiny
If I were a musical instrument I would be:  Acoustic Guitar
If I were an animal I would be:  Penguin
If I were a color I would be:  Light Blue
If I were a vegetable I would be:  Tomato
If I were a sound I would be:  sound of the waves
If I were a car I would be:  Escudo
If I were a song I would be:  Home
If I were a book I would be written by:  Nicholas Sparks (absolutely)
If I were a food I would be:  Sweet Roasted Duck
If I were a place I would be:  a very old barn remodeled into a library
If I were a taste I would be:  Vanilla
If I were a scent I would be:  My mother's cuisine that freshly out from oven
If I were a word I would be:  Pleasure
If I were an object I would be:  A Camera
If I were a body part I would be:  Eyes
If I were a facial expression I would be:  a Smile
If I were a subject in school I would be:  World History
If I were a cartoon character I would be:  Jimmy Neutron
If I were a shape I would be:  a Sphere
If I were a number I would be: 7

Done! Feel free to reposted :D

Selasa, 28 Mei 2013

Lot of things

Allooooooooo! It's been ages since the last time I post something here hahah. Beberapa bulan kaya udah lupa punya blog. Hahaha. Entah mimpi apaan sampe akhirnya pengin nulis lagi disini, sekarang. ;)
So blogeys, how's life so far? Mine is, well, let just say it's good yah. Time changes, life happens, people grow up, that's all. Lot of things happened that I couldn't mention one by one. And, and, and, sebentar lagi saya kelas 3! which means, sebentar lagi ulangan semester (on June, 7, to be exact). Sibuk lagi, belajar lagi, ngopi lagi, begadang lagi. Hahaha. That's life sih, namanya juga pelajar. Bosen? duh, jangan ditanya lagi.... banget-bangetan! Ya bosen, ya capek, ya muak, ya males.. *sigh*
Makanya sekarang saya lagi dalam tahap mencari sesuatu yang bisa bikin saya gak bosen dengan kegiatan yang itu-itu aja, dan bermanfaat. Salah satunya dengan kaya gini, nulis, ngeblog. Tulisan saya emang belum banyak dan sangat gak bagus sih. Paling banter disimpen ni notes hp, hahaha. Dan gak pernah di-share juga. Yah, karna masih dalam tahap belajar juga sih, jadi masih sangat-sangat amatiran.
Kenapa saya gak pernah nulis di blog? Karna saya males. That's all. Hehe. Dan mungkin karna ribet juga harus buka laptop, pasang modem, duduk, ngetik sampe mata beleran di depan laptop, dan gak bisa sambil tiduran kaya nulis di hp. Dan satu lagi, ga praktis. Misalnya nih, saya lagi dimana gitu, jalan-jalan atau apa gitu yang kebetulan gak bawa laptop, terus tiba-tiba ketemu inspirasi buat nulis sesuatu. Nah, gimana? Ya pasti langsung ditulis di notes hp. Kenapa gak disalin aja di laptop? Sekali lagi jawabannya adalah karna saya males, hehehe. Jujur aja saya tipe orang yang akan lebih memilih memanfaatkan waktu dengan tidur atau sekedar leyeh-leyeh di kasur, daripada nyalin tulisan tadi ke laptop, apalagi buat di-post di blog. What a bad habbit, I know.
Kalau dibilang suka nulis, sih, ya suka, tapi sesuai suasana hati juga. Yah, kaya males-malesan gitu. Padahal jujur aja, salah satu cita-cita saya itu jadi penulis. Walaupun bukan cita-cita utama. Jadi apapun nanti yang jadi pekerjaan saya, tetep sambilan jadi penulis gitu. Tapiiii, sekarang aja udah males-malesan gini ya agak pesimis juga, haha.

By the way, buat kalian yang punya hobi-hobi iseng menulis kaya saya, coba deh improve skill kalian dengan ngeblog atau ikut lomba, kaya lomba yang satu ini (klik). Sekedar share aja sih hehehe. Selamat mencoba dan good luck buat kita semua!