Jumat, 10 Juni 2011

For a while

Well, I'll out of town for about a week or more. So I might not post anything till I finally come back. I'm gonna miss you, blog :)

Happy birthday, captain!

So today, 10th of June, is the birthday of the greatest footballer ever. Guess who? Yeah, he is BAMBANG PAMUNGKAS. I thought some of you has already know who he is, so I don't have to describe him anymore.

I sent a greeting for him via twitter this morning, but yeah, it seems he won't reply it as I wish. but I already guessed it, so it wasn't too dissapoint me. But I'm sure that he has read my tweet, and it was more than enough :)

Well, since this morning I've been search some tweets that related to his birthday. And here they are :

And I also found some greetings that given by an artist & footballer.

Taufik Hidayat, Indonesian badminton athlete
Yongki Aribowo, Indonesian footballer.

Joshua Suherman, Indonesian actor.Hendro Kartiko, Indonesia footballer.Deryansha, Indonesian musician.
Ahmad Bustomi, Indonesian footballer.
Bayu Oktara, Indonesian actor.

Armand Maulana, Indonesia musician.
Andra Ramadhan 'Andra & The Backbone', Indonesia musician.
Aliyudin, Indonesian footballer.
And, I've made something for him. Not too special but I made it by myself :)

Happy birthday our legend, Bambang Pamungkas. Indonesia was proud to have you.

Kamis, 09 Juni 2011

Just sweet.

Girl : Promise me you won't love any other girl than me.
Boy : I can't.
Girl : So, there's someone else? Hmp.
Boy : Yes. And she looks exactly like you but younger. And she will call you "mommy!":D

Boy : I love you:)
Girl : Is it just out of habit or something?
Boy : When I say that I love you, I don't say it out of habit or to make a conversation. I say it to remind you that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me.

source: tumblr

Rabu, 08 Juni 2011


*click the pic to enlarge*


and thank you so much for the greetings, I do appreciate it! :D

Jumat, 03 Juni 2011

FINALLY! Alhamdulillah...

Dengan hormat, sesuai dengan standar kelulusan berdasarkan POS UN Nomor : 0148/SK-POS/BSNP/I/2011, maka putra/putri Bapak/Ibu :

NO. UJIAN : 01-009-019-6
- NILAI AKHIR : 34,50



Selanjutnya, keluarga besar SMP Negeri 6 Mataram menyampaikan SELAMAT kepada siswa yang LULUS dalam UJIAN NASIONAL Tahun Pelajaran 2010/2011.
Demikin untuk diketahui dan ditindaklanjuti sebagaimana mestinya serta terima kasih atas segala perhatian, kebersamaan dan kerjasama Bapak/Ibu.

Hormat kami
Kepala Sekolah,


Kamis, 02 Juni 2011

Last but not least

So three days ago, me and my classmates were out of the town. It was like our last vacation, because soon we will continue our education in our new school, so we'll automatically seperated each other. This is the hardest part of being a 9th-grader-student. We've been together since 3 years ago, we played together, got crazy together, felt happy and sad together, you know it's like...ah, I don't want to leave, seriously.

My junior high school life was so amazing. I learnt a lot here. I learnt how to be wiser, how to be more patient. Here is also where I grew from a small child becomes a teenager. I learned how to discover the real me. In junior high school I found a friend who is really making my life never felt lonely. I also feel how it feels to fall in love with the truth and how it feels hurt. And now, I'm about to leave it :'(

Thanks for my beloved school, SMPN 6 Mataram. Thanks for all the teachers who have patiently taught me. Bu Zulfiani, Bu Ida, Bu Wirastini, Pak Cahyo, Pak Aziz, Bu Katmi, Bu Arfah, Pak Arnadi, Pak Muhtar, and many more, thank you so much, I swear I will never forget y'all. Thanks also for all of my friends that I can't mention on by one, you guys mean so much to me, thanks for all of memories :')

Thanks for the past 3 years. 3 years that I coud never forget :') And here are some photos that we took along the vacation. Let the pics tell it self :)