Kamis, 25 November 2010


Wazzup fellas! I write this post using my phone because of modem gua yg kyk tai koneksinya gangguan mulu dr jaman kapantau -_,-. Well, actually I want to post some pics of the celeberation of teacher's day in my school, but once more my modem destroying everything so I can't do it. Fuf maybe someday if I have some-free-day, I'll go to the warnet then post some pics as many as I want. But unfortunately, I haven't got those-some-free-day because a lot of exams and tasks that really wasting my whole time. Ya, MY-WHOLE-TIME. And it's really suck me for sure. Ahir-ahir ini mulai kerasa banget menderitanya jadi kelas 9. Dari mulai kejar materi spy bisa kelar lebih cpt krn april udah ujian, trs ulangan2 + tryout yang bener2 nyiksa mental lahir dan batin-_- then tugas2 yang numpuk udah kyk sampah masyarakat. HAH!!!!! Pgn matiajarasanya..... Oke lebe tp ya gmn bener2 capekkkkkkkkk huft. Aaaaaaand you know what? Tanggal 1-2 desember ada tes evaluasi R-SBI dr pusat....... Oh God please those shitty things gonna kill me slowly, I bet.
Well, let's stop talking about that, it's make me more frustated you know. Hmm maybe I wanna tell you about my classmate. Dunno why, I feel that they're changing each day. They more.. Hm I can say that there's no more cohesion among us. I hate their changes. Tp gasemua sih yang berubah, ada beberapa yang masih adem ayem kayak dulu dan masih tetep ngasikin. But I still love them as my classmate. Love you IXA R-SBI :")
Ok what's next? I think nothing more I wanna talk about. I have to take a nap for just awhile and wish it can make my body gettin well. Bye fellas, have a blessed friday.

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