Wazzup fellas! I write this post using my phone because of modem gua yg kyk tai koneksinya gangguan mulu dr jaman kapantau -_,-. Well, actually I want to post some pics of the celeberation of teacher's day in my school, but once more my modem destroying everything so I can't do it. Fuf maybe someday if I have some-free-day, I'll go to the warnet then post some pics as many as I want. But unfortunately, I haven't got those-some-free-day because a lot of exams and tasks that really wasting my whole time. Ya, MY-WHOLE-TIME. And it's really suck me for sure. Ahir-ahir ini mulai kerasa banget menderitanya jadi kelas 9. Dari mulai kejar materi spy bisa kelar lebih cpt krn april udah ujian, trs ulangan2 + tryout yang bener2 nyiksa mental lahir dan batin-_- then tugas2 yang numpuk udah kyk sampah masyarakat. HAH!!!!! Pgn matiajarasanya..... Oke lebe tp ya gmn bener2 capekkkkkkkkk huft. Aaaaaaand you know what? Tanggal 1-2 desember ada tes evaluasi R-SBI dr pusat....... Oh God please those shitty things gonna kill me slowly, I bet.
Well, let's stop talking about that, it's make me more frustated you know. Hmm maybe I wanna tell you about my classmate. Dunno why, I feel that they're changing each day. They more.. Hm I can say that there's no more cohesion among us. I hate their changes. Tp gasemua sih yang berubah, ada beberapa yang masih adem ayem kayak dulu dan masih tetep ngasikin. But I still love them as my classmate. Love you IXA R-SBI :")
Ok what's next? I think nothing more I wanna talk about. I have to take a nap for just awhile and wish it can make my body gettin well. Bye fellas, have a blessed friday.
Kamis, 25 November 2010
HALLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WAAAAA SORRY FOR NOT POST ANYTHING HERE FOR A LONG TIME. It's bcs my fuckin modem-_- Dunno why my modem can't connect hah wth.
Ok, Actually I have nothing to say........... I just want to post something hoho. By the way.. HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, Actually I have nothing to say........... I just want to post something hoho. By the way.. HAPPY TEACHER'S DAY!!!!!!!!!!!
Kamis, 11 November 2010
Thanks God it's Friday
Hello blogeys!! Well, Thanks God it's Friday! Have a blessed friday you all ;)
I dunno what to say actually-_- Just feels boring hh. Ok I'll make everything quick, keknya untuk gatau brp lama bakalan jarang posting becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeee minggu-minggu ini banyak tryout. Minggu besok tryout di tempat les, tanggal 22 tryout disekolah hh well I bet it will be a tiring days. But I'll do my best ;) I wanna make my parents proud of me, I promise!!!!!
And HAPPY ANNIV FOR NIAR&GINTANG!!!! Have a longlasting love for you both ;)
Oke ah lagi males nulis nih, byeeee.
I dunno what to say actually-_- Just feels boring hh. Ok I'll make everything quick, keknya untuk gatau brp lama bakalan jarang posting becauseeeeeeeeeeeeeee minggu-minggu ini banyak tryout. Minggu besok tryout di tempat les, tanggal 22 tryout disekolah hh well I bet it will be a tiring days. But I'll do my best ;) I wanna make my parents proud of me, I promise!!!!!
And HAPPY ANNIV FOR NIAR&GINTANG!!!! Have a longlasting love for you both ;)
Oke ah lagi males nulis nih, byeeee.
Sabtu, 06 November 2010
Under The Same Moon (La Misma Luna)
A week ago I've watched a movie tittled Under the Same Moon. And you know what? This movie was the greatest movie ever ever ever eveeeeeeeeeeeer.
Click here to read the synopsis and information about the movie. I really really suggested you guys to watch this awesome movie! You'll be regret if you don't, I swear. And guess what? I'm fallin in love with one of the character of the movie owhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok let me correct my statement, I mean love as a fan yeah I just became the new fan of ADRIANO ALONSO!!!!! He's a super-cute-boy. I really want to come to mexico then meet him and hug him and kiss him and bring him to my home(?) Well, I won't talk anything more because it's almost 4 am and I wanna catch my bed so I'll make everything quick. Ok here are some of Adriano's photos :3
Can you see? Uwwww how cute he is :3 I love him!! Hehehe. And his acting is sooooooooooo awesome, yeah and dia berhasil buat gue nangis gara-gara aktingnya dia waktu ketemua ama ibunya._. Pokoknya dia keren!!!!!!! My new idol :">
Ok blogeys I'm gonna hit my bed for now. Seya! Have a nice weekend.
Click here to read the synopsis and information about the movie. I really really suggested you guys to watch this awesome movie! You'll be regret if you don't, I swear. And guess what? I'm fallin in love with one of the character of the movie owhhhhhhhhhhhh. Ok let me correct my statement, I mean love as a fan yeah I just became the new fan of ADRIANO ALONSO!!!!! He's a super-cute-boy. I really want to come to mexico then meet him and hug him and kiss him and bring him to my home(?) Well, I won't talk anything more because it's almost 4 am and I wanna catch my bed so I'll make everything quick. Ok here are some of Adriano's photos :3
Can you see? Uwwww how cute he is :3 I love him!! Hehehe. And his acting is sooooooooooo awesome, yeah and dia berhasil buat gue nangis gara-gara aktingnya dia waktu ketemua ama ibunya._. Pokoknya dia keren!!!!!!! My new idol :">
Ok blogeys I'm gonna hit my bed for now. Seya! Have a nice weekend.
He he
Hello blogeys! I'm almost desperate with my internet connection hhh it's too suck >:"O I've tried to uploding my pictures on fb since this afternoon but you know what??? It haven't finished yet until now!!!! Wtf..............................-_-
Ok forget about it. Well guys, I want to share some photos of me and my bestfriend anet. These all taken on last friday while we waited the teacher who haven't came to my classrom. Soooooo this is it, our freakness haha.
That's all. Oh ya, btw we took this photo using gintang's handphone so thanks gintang! :D
Ok forget about it. Well guys, I want to share some photos of me and my bestfriend anet. These all taken on last friday while we waited the teacher who haven't came to my classrom. Soooooo this is it, our freakness haha.
That's all. Oh ya, btw we took this photo using gintang's handphone so thanks gintang! :D
B-A-D-M-O-O-D hellyeah that's what I feel rite now! ZZZ Oke kita pake Indonesia ajaya lg gamood dan otak lagi buntek jugasih fuuuuuu.
Idk why tiba-tiba rasanya pengen banting apapun gini... I just feel bad without any reason. HFFFFF!!!!! Ditambah lagi modem gua yang kayatai koneksinya minta di pancung bgttttttttttttt. Rasanya semua orang itu jd monster yang paling ngeselin hari ini. -_,-
ABAIKAN AJA TULISAN ABAL DI ATAS YA!!!!!! Ga-pen-ting. Oke mending gini deh hmm gua cerita tentang hari ini ajaya? Sip let's see. Tadi disekolah pelajaran pertama Inggris, biasa ajasih cuma ngerjain LKS trs ngumpulin tugas tapi gue ga ngumpulin gara-gara sebagian tugas masih dibawa suci dan dia sudah terbaaaaaaaaaang ke mekkah sana hffff~,~ Sempet agak... Oke bukan agak tapi SANGAT kesel sama dia, abisnya dr kemaren222 dia janji kan mau ngasi itu tugas sblm dia berangkat, tapi eeeeeeeeeeh keburu berangkat tugasnya jd gakelar ck terpaksa deh gue kerja dobelT_T
Terus abis itu biologi dan guess what? Gue gajadi ulangannnnnnnnnn YIHAAAAAAAAAA ~(^.^~) ~(^.^)~ (~^,^)~ eh bentar.. Bukan gajadi sih tapi ditunda oke chy itu beda-o- grgr Pak Arnadi katanya ada tugas jd izin gangajar ihihi sering-sering aja ya pak \=D/ Trs selama pelajaran kosong gua, bella, rino ama dani ngumpul ngenet pake laptopnya rino di belakang ampe jam istirahat. Theeeeeeen bel masuk trs... MATEMATIKA!!! \(^.^)/ Nah harusnya kan matematika cuma kebagian 2 jam hari ini, tp karna guru agama gabisa ngajar jadi lolos deh matematika ampe 4 jam yihihihihi. Tp tadinya emang rencana mau ada pengayaan sih buat bayar utang Bu Zul yang berapa kali gapengayaan itu, tp gajadi deh gara-gara pelajaran agama cuma dikasi PR doang. Kalo matematika sih ampe jam berapa juga gua jabanin AKAKAKAKAK... Jangan tanya kalo fisika-_- Skipppppppppppppppp.
Lanjut yang di tempat les... Oh ya oh ya!! Gue belum cerita kan tentang temen les gue yang tanda kutip itu? Haaaah oke lebih baik gausah sih ya GAPENTING juga ha to the ha. Tp tadi sebenernya gua, niar, nadira, wiwid pengen ngerjain itu anak gara-gara dia 'kelewat' tapiiiiiiiiii orangnya gamasuk-_- dapet insting kali dia ya kalo bakal dikerjain Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Well, kayanya yang selebihnya gaperlu diceritain deh ya gaguna juga hihi (-_-)
Idk why tiba-tiba rasanya pengen banting apapun gini... I just feel bad without any reason. HFFFFF!!!!! Ditambah lagi modem gua yang kayatai koneksinya minta di pancung bgttttttttttttt. Rasanya semua orang itu jd monster yang paling ngeselin hari ini. -_,-
ABAIKAN AJA TULISAN ABAL DI ATAS YA!!!!!! Ga-pen-ting. Oke mending gini deh hmm gua cerita tentang hari ini ajaya? Sip let's see. Tadi disekolah pelajaran pertama Inggris, biasa ajasih cuma ngerjain LKS trs ngumpulin tugas tapi gue ga ngumpulin gara-gara sebagian tugas masih dibawa suci dan dia sudah terbaaaaaaaaaang ke mekkah sana hffff~,~ Sempet agak... Oke bukan agak tapi SANGAT kesel sama dia, abisnya dr kemaren222 dia janji kan mau ngasi itu tugas sblm dia berangkat, tapi eeeeeeeeeeh keburu berangkat tugasnya jd gakelar ck terpaksa deh gue kerja dobelT_T
Terus abis itu biologi dan guess what? Gue gajadi ulangannnnnnnnnn YIHAAAAAAAAAA ~(^.^~) ~(^.^)~ (~^,^)~ eh bentar.. Bukan gajadi sih tapi ditunda oke chy itu beda-o- grgr Pak Arnadi katanya ada tugas jd izin gangajar ihihi sering-sering aja ya pak \=D/ Trs selama pelajaran kosong gua, bella, rino ama dani ngumpul ngenet pake laptopnya rino di belakang ampe jam istirahat. Theeeeeeen bel masuk trs... MATEMATIKA!!! \(^.^)/ Nah harusnya kan matematika cuma kebagian 2 jam hari ini, tp karna guru agama gabisa ngajar jadi lolos deh matematika ampe 4 jam yihihihihi. Tp tadinya emang rencana mau ada pengayaan sih buat bayar utang Bu Zul yang berapa kali gapengayaan itu, tp gajadi deh gara-gara pelajaran agama cuma dikasi PR doang. Kalo matematika sih ampe jam berapa juga gua jabanin AKAKAKAKAK... Jangan tanya kalo fisika-_- Skipppppppppppppppp.
Lanjut yang di tempat les... Oh ya oh ya!! Gue belum cerita kan tentang temen les gue yang tanda kutip itu? Haaaah oke lebih baik gausah sih ya GAPENTING juga ha to the ha. Tp tadi sebenernya gua, niar, nadira, wiwid pengen ngerjain itu anak gara-gara dia 'kelewat' tapiiiiiiiiii orangnya gamasuk-_- dapet insting kali dia ya kalo bakal dikerjain Hahahaaaaaaaaaaaa.
Well, kayanya yang selebihnya gaperlu diceritain deh ya gaguna juga hihi (-_-)
Happy anniv♥
Hello blogeys! Oke let's to the point. I wanna tell you guys that today is MY 6th MONTHS ANNIVERSARY. Wowwwww time goes so fast haha. That's mean we were together for a half year! :') Ok well, like other couple when they have an anniv, they must have some wishes for their relationship. And here are some of my wishes :
And for my beloved vanilla twilight, I just wanna you to know that I really really love you. I'll protect our love as long as I can. I'm sure you could guide me to a better way. I do believe you, so please keep it. Thanks for those happiness and loves that you've gave. Sstttt.. 11 years more hehehe. Me love you more than you and anyone know, my Muhammad Alman Yasrid♥
- May Allah swt bless our relationship till whenever
- Kept away from behavior that shouldn't be done
- Can be more understanding each other. More patient with our each selfishness.
- Retain a strong commitment we have made
And for my beloved vanilla twilight, I just wanna you to know that I really really love you. I'll protect our love as long as I can. I'm sure you could guide me to a better way. I do believe you, so please keep it. Thanks for those happiness and loves that you've gave. Sstttt.. 11 years more hehehe. Me love you more than you and anyone know, my Muhammad Alman Yasrid♥
Rabu, 03 November 2010
November quote
Nobody can go back and start new beginning, but anyone can start today and make a new ending
- Maria Robinson
If all of your passion wa raging around in your mind,
and your heart has become desolate...
Was there only silence to depend on?
As a man who only lived of hesitant and contradiction,
agitated by your own fate,
which never told you
About satisfying your thirst of clarity.
Stand like a coward...
Fear of emptiness....
Nearly broken...
How much longer will it last?
Even silence couldn't give me an answer.
and your heart has become desolate...
Was there only silence to depend on?
As a man who only lived of hesitant and contradiction,
agitated by your own fate,
which never told you
About satisfying your thirst of clarity.
Stand like a coward...
Fear of emptiness....
Nearly broken...
How much longer will it last?
Even silence couldn't give me an answer.
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