Jumat, 17 September 2010

Happy Ied Mubarak

Hallo guys! Happy eid Mubarak! Minal Aidin Wal faidzin, forgive for all mistakes that I’ve ever did. Too late actually~,~ Yahaha you knw my modem is totally suck, it makes me almost crazy hhhh…. And it’s been a week after Idul Fitri came. Well, let me tell you about my lebaran-memories with my family.
So that morning, me and my dad (minus my mom and brother, soalnya ade gue lg sakit typhus like I told you before. So, nykp jadi gaikutan sholat ied nemenin yayan dirumah) went to the mosque. Ya like I told bfore, karna nykp gaikut jd gue sholat di masjid deket rumah mbah spy ada temen. Oke skip---- After praying, me and dad went to pick mom and yayan up and then salam2an dulu berempat abis itu my parents gave me a THR, wohoooooo! Then we went to my grandma’s home, salam2an lg + nangis2an dan…..THR lg!!!! what a heaven o.o Trs kita makan lontong sayur as usual, dan guess wht lontong sayur mbah gue uenake pooooool, you guys should try it someday haha. Trs abis makan2 dan kenyang, me and all of my dad’s family went to the kuburan, visited my grandparent’s (my mom’s parent) and finally back homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The sad thing was : My family from Surabaya didn’t come, haaaa how sad:( Really miss them especially my cute Zasha AAAAA, this is her photo on Idul fitri a year ago….

Gossss how I really miss her:( Wish she and her parent also my Pakde&Bude come here next year, amin.

Well, u knw wht, today in my town there’s a tradicional celebration called “Lebaran Topat”. It’s almost same as Idul Fitri, biasanya orang2 pada ngerayain ini itu seminggu setelah lebaran Idul Fitri. Jd lebaran topat ini perayaan buat orang2 yang abis puasa syawal selama seminggu. Malah kadang ada takbirannya juga, ya almost same lah. Yah bisa dianggep ini itu lebarannya orang2 yang puasa syawal lah. Gue sih gangerayain, malu lah gila gua ga ngambil puasa syawal masa iya mau ikutan lebaran-_-
Oke, once more HAPPY IDUL FITRI! MOHON MAAF LAHIR DAN BATIN:) – Rizka Iswandani Citraningtyas&family. Kissy♥

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