Sabtu, 18 September 2010

#The meaning behind ur blog's name

As yall know, my blog's name is The Checee's. Don't really know what the meaning behind it, actually haha it was suddenly came to my mind and blam! I wrote it. Hm maybe it comes from my nick name : Chicy. Bcos some of my friends usually calling me 'cece', dunno why they call me like that. Well, you know I've changed my blog's name for many times since I made this blog. I'm forget what the first name but I remember some such as: Chy-inside, Chylaaa, C.H.I.C.Y and maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaany more-_-

Jumat, 17 September 2010

#1 Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about ur self

This is my recent photo. I took this pict for about 3 days ago. And yep it was without any edited, so it's natural me. Yaha bad picture actually, I look so dark and weird-_- well, it was taken in my room when I felt boredom and there's nothing to do, so... ya that's how it would.

15 interesting facts about my self. Hmm maybe I really don't deserve to say this, bcos you knw wht (according to me) there's no interesting thing of me yaha how poor me-_- Hm it seems I've to replace it with 15 things about me, without 'interesting'.

1. I have some bad behavior, the most severe example is lazy. You know, sometimes I hate to be like that, but what I can do? This nature is so hard to be eliminated hh.

2. As I told you on the previous post, I'm not a stylish person. I'm fashion-less. And it's so bad for a teen like me-_-

3. I don't like Harry potter, twilight saga or something like that. Not as the most ppl especially teens which like with those movies very much.

4. I hate carrot damn much. Maybe that's why I should be wearing sunglasses and got 4 minus for my right-eye then 4,5 minus for my left-eye. Soooooooooooo bad rite? But for me carrot is more more more bad. My parent always say that to eat carrot is a must, but for me to eat carrot is a torture. Oh ya, I also hate milk and chocolate.

5. I hate rain, but I like to seeing rainbow-_- I just hate the smell of the rain. I'm also hate the dark. Maybe that's why I hate rain, bcos when the rain fall down on the earth, it's like a tears yep tears of the sky. Then the beautiful-blue-sky covered with the dark clouds, oh for God I hate it.

6. I do love math! :D I started to love it since I was 8th grade.

7. I'm a big dreamer. I like to dreaming about something such as around the world alone, or go to Spain to meet my favorite football player David Villa then go to China to meet Lindan, my favorite badminton player :D

8. I'm a mellow person-_- I'm quick to cry when seeing a sad-scene of a movie or something like that.

9. I love wearin jeans rather than skirts or dresses.

10. I love babies! I meant..... cute babies :D

11. I'm a forgetful person-_- sometimes easy to forget something. I got this bad nature from my mom. She's a forgetful person too same as me, and it's suck.

12. I love peace, and hate war.

13. I hate cigarettes and someone who use it. Including my dad.

14. I hate to be controlled. This is my life and no one could take it.

15. I wanna make all ppl who I loves become smile. I wanna make them proud of me. I wanna make them happy. I wanna make my self to be useful for them.


30 days

Hey, I just found another interest thing! I found this from ---> click!

Day 1- Recent picture of you and 15 interesting facts about yourself

Day 2- The meaning behind your blog name

Day 3- A picture of you and your friends

Day 4- A habit that you wish you didn’t have

Day 5- A picture of somewhere you’ve been to

Day 6- Favourite super hero and why

Day 7- A picture of someone/something that has the biggest impact on you

Day 8- Short term goals for this month and why

Day 9- Something you’re proud of in the past few days

Day 10- Songs you listen to when you are happy, sad, bored, hyped, mad

Day 11- Another picture of you and your friends

Day 12- How you found out about blogging and why you have one

Day 13- A letter to someone who has hurt you recently

Day 14- A picture of you and your family

Day 15- Put you iPod on shuffle: first 10 songs that play

Day 16- Another picture of yourself

Day 17- Someone you would want to switch lives with for one day and why

Day 18- Plans/dreams/goals you have

Day 19- Nicknames you have and why you have them

Day 20- Someone you see yourself marrying or being with in the future

Day 21- A picture of something that makes you happy

Day 22- What makes you different from everyone else

Day 23- Something you crave for a lot

Day 24- A letter to your parents

Day 25- What I would find in your bag

Day 26- What do you think about your friends

Day 27- Why are you doing this 30 day challenge

Day 28- A picture of you from last year and now, how have you changed since then?

Day 29- In this past month, what have you learned

Day 30- Your favourite song

Wow! I wanna play, it looks interesting. So let's try:D and you guys who read this post shall be try too.

Things I like of a guy

Hola, I'm blogwalking now and found this from ---> click!

1. brown hair | black hair | blonde hair | red hair
2. tall | short | same height as you
3. ear piercings | eyebrow piercings | snake bites | no piercings | other
4. tattoos | no tattoos | idgaf
5. skater | punk | player |
indie | cowboy | musician | prep | jock | other

6. shy | outgoing | in between
7. mellow | hyper | loud | quiet
8. blue eyes |
brown eyes | green eyes
9. wears tight jeans |
wears normal jeans | other
converse | vans | nikes | skate shoes | other
11. listens to: metal | rap |
indie | classic rock | country | all | other
12. compliments too much | compliments when necessary
13. jokes around all the time | jokes when necessary
14. sensitive | hides emotion |
acts tough
15. hobbies: computer | music | skating | sports | drawing | fishing | other
loves to hold | loves to be held
17. tons of muscles |
fit | skinny | chubby
pale | average | tan | dark
19. cusses a lot | never cusses |
moderatly cusses | only cusses around friends | who even gives a fuck
wavy hair | curly hair | straight hair | long hair | longish hair | short hair

And I found it in my boy:) Hope we'll being forever. Amin.


Follow my twitter guys!

Just click. Kissy♥

This is my younger cousin named Hisyam but me and my family usually call him Icam. He just got his second birthday on last Sept. 2th. And today we had a lot of fun at Mataram Mall with my mom, my bro, Hana&Hani (Icam's sister) and also my aunt (Icam's mom), Well...........

Look! Ohmygod... How cute he is:3 AAAAAA my lil prince♥


Hola! Like a said you on the last post, it's almost 4am here and I'm still awake! Yep I feel like insomnia hhh. Oh well, the last few days I become interested with fashion. To be honest, I'm not a stylish person u knw, I have a poor knowledge about fashion. I'd rather wearing a T-shirt with jeans than wearing dress or something lyk that, it's bcos I feel comfort with it. But you knw, sometimes I feel envy with the most teens that have a good-knowledge about fashion, and it was so bad-_- These are some pict of fashionable-people.....

Watcha think 'bout em? I mean..... their clothes?

Happy Ied Mubarak

Hallo guys! Happy eid Mubarak! Minal Aidin Wal faidzin, forgive for all mistakes that I’ve ever did. Too late actually~,~ Yahaha you knw my modem is totally suck, it makes me almost crazy hhhh…. And it’s been a week after Idul Fitri came. Well, let me tell you about my lebaran-memories with my family.
So that morning, me and my dad (minus my mom and brother, soalnya ade gue lg sakit typhus like I told you before. So, nykp jadi gaikutan sholat ied nemenin yayan dirumah) went to the mosque. Ya like I told bfore, karna nykp gaikut jd gue sholat di masjid deket rumah mbah spy ada temen. Oke skip---- After praying, me and dad went to pick mom and yayan up and then salam2an dulu berempat abis itu my parents gave me a THR, wohoooooo! Then we went to my grandma’s home, salam2an lg + nangis2an dan…..THR lg!!!! what a heaven o.o Trs kita makan lontong sayur as usual, dan guess wht lontong sayur mbah gue uenake pooooool, you guys should try it someday haha. Trs abis makan2 dan kenyang, me and all of my dad’s family went to the kuburan, visited my grandparent’s (my mom’s parent) and finally back homeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee. The sad thing was : My family from Surabaya didn’t come, haaaa how sad:( Really miss them especially my cute Zasha AAAAA, this is her photo on Idul fitri a year ago….

Gossss how I really miss her:( Wish she and her parent also my Pakde&Bude come here next year, amin.

Well, u knw wht, today in my town there’s a tradicional celebration called “Lebaran Topat”. It’s almost same as Idul Fitri, biasanya orang2 pada ngerayain ini itu seminggu setelah lebaran Idul Fitri. Jd lebaran topat ini perayaan buat orang2 yang abis puasa syawal selama seminggu. Malah kadang ada takbirannya juga, ya almost same lah. Yah bisa dianggep ini itu lebarannya orang2 yang puasa syawal lah. Gue sih gangerayain, malu lah gila gua ga ngambil puasa syawal masa iya mau ikutan lebaran-_-
Oke, once more HAPPY IDUL FITRI! MOHON MAAF LAHIR DAN BATIN:) – Rizka Iswandani Citraningtyas&family. Kissy♥

New blog's view

H-h-hello guys! Just changed my blog’s view, how it looks? It’s more simple maybe, yeah with my new cute template absolutely. And I love my new template:3 Dunno why I just felt bored with my before-blog-view, It looks so weird an too many color. I want to make it as simple as possible but ya it takes a time probably. And now hm seems better maybe, watcha think?
Well on last monday I took some picture with my bestfriend.

Yahaha we looks so weird-_- Btw, it's already 3.20 am here..... But still can't sleep hhhh shitty. Bye.

Rabu, 08 September 2010


Hello! Looooooooooooong time no post. Really miss my blog damn much. Actually dr kemaren....kemarennya lg....kemaren22nya lagi....kemaren22222nya lg......dan kemarennya lg gue pgn posting (-_-) tp males~,~
Oke hm sbnrnya banyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaak bgt yg pgn gue ceritain HA-HA tp bingung mau mulai drmn-_- And yeah besok lebaran!!!! Yihaaa ~('-'~) ~('-')~ (~'-')~ it's mean.... THR Acikkkkkkkkkkkkkk *_* Tp...kesian adek gua sakit thypus jd lebaran taun ini rada gmn gitu. Trs jg ya dunno why lebaran taun ini kayanya
biasa aja...ya maksud gue ngga semeriah taun lalu. Tp tetep aja lebaran gue seneng:) Maaf lahir batin ya cemuaaaaaah^^
Bad newsnya :
Liburan tinggal kurang dr 2 minggu lagi tp
belum ada satupun PR yang gue kerjain AAAAAA KIAMAT!!!! You know know what tugas gue numpuk udah kaya sampah masyarakat Hhhh bagaimana ini Ya Allah? Tolong aim ya Allah:(-_-
belum lagi ntar abis liburan LANGSUNG ulangan fisika, biologi, PKn, IPS, Bahasa Indonesia, Agama........ Brb pingsan-_- Kita pikirin semua itu abis lebaran aja yaccc. Sumpah demidemidemi frustasi bgt kalo inget itu huft~,~
Oke gue mau beres2 kamar dulu yawwww, anak rajin giduuu^o^