Sabtu, 31 Desember 2011

goodbye 2011, welcome 2012!

Oh yeah, counting down the hours to 2012! Wow, I can't hardly believe that 2011 is almost over...

Well, I admit that 2011 wasn't good enough for me. I mean, my parents, yeah, that was the worst nightmare I ever have in my whole life. But after weeks (or months actually) I finally realized that it was not the end of my life. the show must go on! that's why I'm standing here ;)
I parted with my junior high friends, I meet some new friends in high school, I broke up, all of those things happened in 2011. And I should thanks to Allah for giving me chance to see how 2012 will be.

Have you guys make your own New Year's resolution? you need to make one ;)
2011 went by too fast but it definitely brought life long memories. HAPPY NEW YEAR PEOPLE! Let's hope 2012 will bring happiness to all of us :D

and let's start your own new page in 2012!

Jumat, 23 Desember 2011

Thanks God, for this wonderful life...

So 2 days ago, I just had a little conversation with my father through blackberry messanger. And I swear, I was crying a lot. This is how the conversation start...

Me : Yah, besok sabtu bagi rapot.
Father : Siap, bos!
Me : Tapi jangan marah kalau nilai Chicy standar. Kan baru awal-awal SMA.
Father : Ayah kan dari dulu nggak pernah nuntut mbak yang macam-macam. Ayah bangga kalau anak ayah punya prestasi. Tapi itu kan kembali ke mbak juga. Ayah hanya minta mbak konsentrasi ke sekolah. Kalo bisa nggak usah mikir macam-macam dulu. Nggak usah mikirin Ayah bakal sedih atau marah. Yang penting mbak berusaha optimal, itu udah buat Ayah senang. Kalau udah berusaha, soal hasil serahkan sama Allah SWT.
Me : Tapi kan setidaknya Chicy kuasain beberapa mata pelajaran yang Chicy memang suka. Kalau semester I ini memang Chicy kurang maksimal. Masih suka males-malesan, masih kaget sama 18 mata pelajaran yang harus dipelajarin sekaligus, apalagi tugas-tugasnya banyak sekali.
Father : Iya Ayah ngerti.. makanya Ayah bilang usahakan konsentrasi sekolah. Bukan nggak boleh mbak punya temen (which is mean, special friend), Ayah kan juga pernah ngerasain. Tapi itu jangan sampai ganggu tugas utama mbak. Jangan banyak main-main lagi. Denger omongan Mamah.
Me : Iya.. semester II besok Chicy coba fokus. Chicy sekarang pengin ngembangin apa yang Chicy bener-bener bisa. Bukan berarti sih pelajar lain Chicy nggak urus, tapi kan nggak semua pelajaran juga Chicy bisa kuasain. Tapi tetep sih Chicy berusaha bikin Ayah sama Mamah bangga.
Father : Sip! Lakukan apa yang mbak anggap baik. Kalau ragu atau bingung kan ada Ayah atau Mamah. Kalo ada apa-apa cerita aja, siapa tau dengan begitu ada jalan keluar.
Me : Siap bos!

Isn't it just so sweet? I mean, what else I'm looking for? I have the best parents ever, who always support everytime. I realize that I have such a wonderful life. I don't mean to excessive or something, but the conversation that I had with my father gave me another motivation. Yes, I'm not going to waste my time anymore. I should really try to stop being so much idler. I should try to focus, and make my parents proud of what I've got.

Rabu, 21 Desember 2011


Hola bloggieee! wie gehts es dir? So few days ago I just passed my final exam. Not gonna talk about the result, but I'm soooo happy because I finally get a break from those kind of school's stuffs (I mean the assignments, homeworks, and exam) that really really stressed me out. So I'm not going to waste every seconds of this holiday, seriously.

Well, it's kinda late to post about this actually but who cares? :P few weeks ago I just went to Tanjung Aan beach with my dad, brother and my bestfriend, anet. I swear that beach was like a paradise! :3 ok I can't describe how amazing the beach by words, so let these pictures I'm going to show tell you~

Anyway, happy mother's day to all of amazing mothers in the entire world! Especially for the most incredible woman that I've ever knew, my Mom.. thanks for everything.. Sorry for everything that I done wrong, or even broke your heart.. thanks for the love that will never be replaced.. You're the best thing in my love, Mom<3

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Thanks God, I'm 16.

Ok it's quite late to post about this actually._. and I really sure y'all know what the reason, aren't you? So, last week (7th of December) was my birthday! :D
I'm so thankful to God that I finally reached 16 :')

I also realized that I have a lot of people who love me so much... It's sweet how they did a little thing but means a lot like remember my birthday<3
I still can remember how happy I am when I woke up and found that my handphone was full of birthday greetings through sms, bbm, twitter and facebook. I also still remember when my bestfriend came to my house in the morning (it's like 6 am!) and gave me a little surprise. Thanks a lot Kamia, Anet, Bella and Fiena! I love you guys so much :*
I also thank to all my friends who came to my house in the afternoon and throw me those disgusting things. I swear, I washed my hair more than 3 times. Good job :| thankyou dudes! you all irreplaceable!<3

And yes, I'm 16 now. I should notice my self that I'm not a kid anymore. It means that I need to stop being childish and try to be more mature and wiser. I swear to my self that I'll be my parents pride.. so, God, I need you to guide me, I'm absolutely nothing without You.. Thanks for the love and everything You gave. Thanks for give me the best parents in the world, the most incredible friends, a very wonderful life, You are everything<3


And today, I also celebrated my bestbestbestfriend in the world ANET QUAMILLA!
so today I and my friends came to her house and gave her surprise :D

Happy birthday my bestfriend, I wish you nothing but absolutely the best. May Allah always bless every step you take. I love youuuuuuuuuu so much!! :*

Kamis, 01 Desember 2011

Hello everyone. Hello december.

Ok, I don't know know where to start actually._. since I've been through so many things without my blog. So, yeah, how's life so far? Mine is.....yeah. Good. I mean, it's going well and quite depressing actually. Everything was being so suck lately. School, assigments, exams and especially my own self. I couldn't handle it all sometimes. But no, I won't talk about that right now. Maybe next time? ;)

I want you to know one thing that November was definitely not my month. Everybody said November as a Lovember, but well, not for me. I could say that November is my worst month of the year. Thanks God it has gone... bye, November.

Alright so... TODAY IS THE FIRST DAY OF DECEMBER! I always got excited when it comes to December, because it means that, my birthday is coming closer! Yeah! Everybody loves birthday right? Only one thing that I hate from December is, it's also mean that examination is getting closer. But, yes, I have to work hard for it. Over all, I will always love December a.k.a BESTSEMBER :3

December wish :
  • I could pass the examination well and get the best score then.
  • Since I joined one of my school's extracurricular called PALASMA (Pecinta Alam SMANSA) I also have to join the PDPA (Pendidikan Dasar Pecinta Alam) thingy for four days. So, I hope that there will be no any bad things happen.
  • Everything could be better than the previous months.
  • My camera could work again (since it's lens damaged few weeks ago)
  • and.....I could reach my 16th birthday on December, 7th.
  • Amin :)