Kamis, 28 April 2011

A Half Freedom

Hi, blogeys! Wassup? Well, I think the tittle has gave you a clue already. I told you before that I'd face the national exam, right? Aaaaaaaaand...well done, I finished with it. Say what!? HIP HIP HORRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY \=D/

It haven't done clearly yet, actually. Why? because there're still two kinds of test which is waiting for me. That's why I called this post as 'A half freedom'. First, I have to face R-SBI evaluation test from Departement of Education, and the last one is: a test for prospective new students at one of senior high school. And after that, then the real holiday come. I mean, A LONG HOLIDAY. Yeayyy, what's funnier than that?

And now, I just have to wait for the result of my national exam. I wish it'll be good, so all of my struggle was worth it and most importantly, I could make my parents proud of me. Amin o:)

Btw, after I was out of school, I went to a cafe to had a lunch with my mom and.... Alman. he he. And it was really fun! I felt a bit shocked actually when my mom asked Alman to join with us (me and my mom), and I think Alman too :D Unfortunately, I didn't bring my camera so I can't immortalize that good moment. But it wasn't matter, I just save it on my mind and it more than enough, well, for me. One is for certain, I was happy when I saw my mom talked many things with Alman, I just felt like.... aah :') What a lovely day!


Another good news is..... PARAMORE WILL COME TO INDONESIA THIS AUGUST! And they'll have two concert in two places, Bali (August, 17th) and Jakarta (August, 19th). WOW! This like.. Hayley's going to prove her promise. Maybe all of you've already knew that a several times ago, Hayley shouted that; "Paramore will surely come to Indonesia" AND YEAH SHE'S GOING TO PROVE IT!

there still no official announcement from Paramore about this. But, the promotor said that we don't have to be worry because Paramore has confirmed the concert and the official announcement will be announced in early May. So for all of Parawhore Indonesia, don't be worry, PARAMORE WILL COME TO INDONESIA!

nb: you can check @ParamoreINA's (official twitter page of parawhore Indonesia) and @ShowMaxxEnt's (Official twitter page of Paramore concert in Indonesia) timeline for more information.

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