Holla, bloggie! Well, a post finally. Huh hah. It's like impossible to post or even just check this site since I have a lot of homeworks and exams for almost everyday. HAH! You know I have a looooooot of things to tell. But yeah, these school's stuff destroy everything. I mean, my happiness and, my freedom. YES! Definitely. Oh my God, think my brain is about to explode very soon..
Ok well, that's not what I'm going to tell actually. The reason why I'm here is because of this :
My dad just went to Jakarta view days ago and he brought me this kind of jacket. And I love it! You know I've been searching for this around Mataram but I didn't find it, but now, it's already on my hand!
That's it :D well, it's 12.23 am already, and tomorrow I have a funbike event so I have to go sleep right now. BYEEEE!
nb : what the heck is the tittle mean?-_-